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 These terms are valid from 01.04.2024. You can see previous version here.

See end of page for a description of the changes made in this last edition.

Acceptance of terms and entering into an agreement

These terms (the “Terms”) govern access to and use of SuperOffice AI Lab (as defined below).

By accepting these Terms or accessing the SuperOffice AI Lab, you agree to comply with these Terms, any rules and guidelines included regarding the services, and agree that the Terms form an agreement with you or the legal entity you represent and SuperOffice. Such agreement will be an addition to the MSA entered into by you or the legal entity you represent, and all terms of the MSA apply to the SuperOffice AI Lab if not changed in these Terms. In case of conflict between these Terms and the terms of the MSA, these Terms prevail with regard to the SuperOffice AI Lab.

If you are representing a legal entity and are entering into the Terms on behalf of an entity (such as a company), you represent and warrant that the legal entity you represent has a valid MSA with SuperOffice and that you have due authorisation to bind such entity to these Terms. By the use of “you” below is also understood as the entity you represent.

You may not sign up for or use SuperOffice AI Lab if you are a competitor or employed by a competitor of SuperOffice without prior written consent from SuperOffice.

You must read the Terms carefully, as they form the requirements for the SuperOffice AI Lab with your rights and obligations, and retain a copy of the Terms for your records.

The SuperOffice AI Lab

SuperOffice and its sub-contractors operate the SuperOffice AI Lab, see below, and the Customer gets access to it via the Internet through SuperOffice owned accounts. No personal accounts is allowed, but SuperOffice uses information from the SuperOffice user license.

The SuperOffice AI Lab uses software and services provided by sub-contractors of SuperOffice, such as Microsoft Azure OpenAI Services. There are limitations on the use of these underlying software and services, which may affect how the SuperOffice AI Lab is provided. The Customer accepts that SuperOffice transfers data from the Customer to sub-contractors and services. See “Processing of Personal Data” on which sub-contractors and services are used.

The SuperOffice AI Lab are provided “as is” and “as available”, and SuperOffice does not warrant or grant any functions or availability for the SuperOffice AI Lab. Any service availability or requirements for the services under the MSA are explicitly excluded from the SuperOffice AI Lab. As a consequence, the Customer accepts and agrees that it cannot issue any claims towards SuperOffice. The Customer accepts not to rely on the services in its business and accepts that the services are provided for testing and exploring purposes.

Grant of license. Access to and use of services

By accepting these Terms, the Customer is granted a non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and use the SuperOffice AI Lab in accordance with the terms and conditions set out herein and the MSA entered into by the Customer, see above. The Customer does not obtain any other rights in or to the software or other elements which SuperOffice uses to provide the SuperOffice AI Lab.

Only the Customer’s employees or consultants who, according to an agreement with the Customer, are performing services for the Customer may access the SuperOffice AI Lab. The Customer shall not allow other persons or entities directly or indirectly to access or use the SuperOffice AI Lab with any information or documentation other than what is expressly set out in the MSA or these Terms.

The SuperOffice AI Lab may be used for the same number of users the Customer has a license for under the MSA. SuperOffice may, at its own discretion, restrict access to certain parts or all of the SuperOffice AI Lab for individuals or groups of users due to limitations on the services or if the users do not comply with these Terms or the instructions by SuperOffice. The said restrictions may also comprise restrictions on the volume, scale, calls, data, etc. of the service for certain or all users.

The Customer may only use the SuperOffice AI Lab for the Customer’s internal purposes and shall not perform data processing on behalf of a third party using the services.

The Customer is responsible for the data, materials and the information that the Customer or its users process with the service. The Customer shall use the SuperOffice AI Lab in an ethical way and according to the applicable law and regulations (see regarding Personal Data below), which apply in addition to permissions, limitations and requirements in the MSA, inclusive SuperOffice Public Facing Services Policy (https://www.superoffice.com/trust-center/agreements/pfsp/), even if the services are not public facing.

In case of breach of these Terms or the MSA, SuperOffice is entitled to immediately terminate these Terms and shut down the Customer’s access to the SuperOffice AI Lab with immediate effect.

All other regulations and restrictions which are governed in the MSA applies also for the SuperOffice AI Lab.


The SuperOffice AI Lab is provided free of charge. SuperOffice may replace the free service with a paid service with notice to the Customer. If the Customer continues to use the service, the Customer shall be considered to have accepted the paid service.


There will not be provided support for the SuperOffice AI Lab as the services are under development and are provided as is. However, you will find information on how to use the service here: https://docs.superoffice.com/en/ai/You may send us Feedback and participate in discussion with other AI Lab customers in our community: https://community.superoffice.com/en/forums/pilot-program/


The Customer accepts to provide comments, feedback, ideas, reports, suggestions, data or other information (collectively “Feedback”) to SuperOffice on the SuperOffice AI Lab, either which the Customer deems appropriate to provide or upon the request by SuperOffice. The Customer accepts that SuperOffice uses any Feedback provided by users of SuperOffice AI Lab without limitation and without any remuneration to the Customer or the users to develop and enhance SuperOffice AI Lab or any current or future products and services by SuperOffice. These Terms impose, however, no obligation on SuperOffice to use any Feedback.


The Customer shall secure that everyone who, on behalf of the Customer, accesses and gets or acquires information about the SuperOffice AI Lab is obliged not to expose such information to third parties without the Customer’s consent. This applies accordingly to the Customer. The Customer shall also provide that everyone that acts on behalf of the Customer protect and keep confidential all other information that SuperOffice provides to the Customer or information that the Customer becomes aware of, to the extent that the Customer understands or should have understood that the information is SuperOffice’s confidential information. The obligation to keep the information confidential shall remain in force after the expiry of this Agreement.

Any Feedback (as defined above) or other information provided by you that you communicate to SuperOffice and any information provided to you by SuperOffice shall be considered confidential.


These Terms do not change any rights to intellectual property rights or other rights existing prior to the Customer accepting the Terms.

All rights to the SuperOffice AI Lab, inclusive of any software, documentation, etc., are held by SuperOffice or its suppliers.

The Customer shall own data the Customer provides to the SuperOffice AI Lab, however, the Customer grants SuperOffice a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, free-of-charge right to use any data or information provided to the SuperOffice AI Lab, inclusive of analyzing, transcribing, review, assess etc. the data and information, hereunder how users interact with and use the services, for the purpose of improving the SuperOffice AI Lab and any other services provided by SuperOffice, and for connecting the data provided and any data herein with data from third-party sources.

The Customer or any user of the SuperOffice AI Lab undertakes that any data or other information provided to the SuperOffice AI Lab or any other use of the SuperOffice AI Lab does not infringe or violate any confidentiality restrictions, copyright, patent, trademark, service mark, trade name, trade secret or other intellectual property or proprietary rights of SuperOffice or any other third party and that you have the right to permit SuperOffice to use the data and information as described above.

Limitation of Liability

As the SuperOffice AI Lab are provided “as is” and “as available”, see “The SuperOffice AI Lab” above, and free of charge, SuperOffice is under no circumstances liable for any losses or costs for the Customer or any third party, inclusive direct and indirect losses. SuperOffice are also not responsible for any legal defects of the services, such as infringement of other parties’ intellectual property rights.

Processing of Personal Data

As part of using the SuperOffice AI Lab, personal data will be processed. Personal data is any data that may be directly or indirectly related to a physical person.

The Company is the data controller and responsible for all data included or transferred to the SuperOffice AI Lab. SuperOffice is the data processor which will process data under the Data Processing Agreement entered into separately by the Customer and SuperOffice related to the MSA.

In case any personal data is included in the SuperOffice AI Lab, despite the above, the following inclusions shall be made in the Data Processing Agreement:

Purpose of the processing
To provide the SuperOffice AI Lab to the Customer on data provided by the Customer.

The processing activities
The data provided to the service will be read, interpreted, transferred to the output provided to the Customer and related processing.

Period of processing
The processing will commence as long as the Customer uses the SuperOffice AI Lab.

Personal data to be processed as part of the SuperOffice AI Lab
Any personal data stored in the customers SuperOffice CRM Database in addition to all data which the users of the Customer include in the service (dependent on the users’ input and not under the control or supervision of SuperOffice).

Categories of data subjects
Dependent on the data which the users of Customer include in the service (dependent on the users’ input and not under the control or supervision of SuperOffice).

The Customer accepts the following sub-contractors/sub-processors in the processing of personal data, which are included in the SuperOffice AI Lab:

Security Measures
For security measures, see: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/security/benchmark/azure/baselines/azure-openai-security-baseline


These Terms may not be transferred other than as part of a transfer of the MSA, which these Terms form part.

Term and Termination

These Terms are effective from the date of acceptance or from the time the SuperOffice AI Lab are accessed and being used.

The Customer may terminate these Terms by stopping using the SuperOffice AI Lab or sending a written notice to SuperOffice. After the termination of the Terms, the Customer must immediately stop using the SuperOffice AI Lab.

SuperOffice may terminate these Terms and stop providing the SuperOffice AI Lab with five days’ notice. Notice may be given by email or by information given in the service.

Any data the Customer has provided or transferred to the SuperOffice AI Lab will be lost upon termination. Transfer or export of data will not be possible due to the nature of AI services. If the free SuperOffice AI Lab is terminated and is replaced by a paid service, the data of the Customer will be transferred to the paid service if the Customer agrees to continue with a paid service. Note that no data which is in the SuperOffice SaaS service will not be lost.

Amendments to the Terms

SuperOffice may amend these Terms with reasonable notice to the Customer. Such notice may be made by email or in the SuperOffice services. If the Customer accepts the amended Terms or continues to use the SuperOffice AI Lab after the Terms have been amended, the Customer is considered to have accepted the amended Terms.


The rights and obligations of the parties under these Terms shall be governed by the national law applicable to SuperOffice with the ordinary courts of law at the registered address of SuperOffice entity the Customer has entered the MSA into as an exclusive legal venue.

Revision List

Revision 01.04.2024
The previous version of this agreement accounted for the possibility of training the AI algorithm based on the data provided by the customer, including personal information. However, there is currently no such training on data processed through the AI service, and specifically not on personal data. There are also no plans to do this on a general basis.

This means that personal data is not processed in any way other than it is currently done in SuperOffice, allowing information to be accessed, deleted, etc., as it is today. All rights of registered individuals can therefore be handled in the same manner as before, and the AI service does not make any changes to this.

In this revision, we have updated the agreement to be more accurate for the processing that occurs. If there are changes in the future (such as new AI services) where data from the customer is actually used for learning/algorithms, this will of course be presented to relevant customers, who must confirm the processing through a change agreement/addendum. This could, for example, involve the development and training of a chatbot based on data provided by the customer.